In Need of Advice
I was absolutely positive that I was going to be back a month ago. I had a blog planner picked out and everything. Then life sucker punched me hard. Everything got busy and hard really fast. I started going to a counselor, trying to sort out some difficult things. Then...the unthinkable at least for me, happened. I made the decision to call off the wedding and less than a week later, my fiance and I broke up. That was a week ago tomorrow and it sucks. I'm not going to mince words. We both know the decision had to be made. It just sucks. This is a very complex issue for me and this post is not about that I promise. It's just an explanation of what has kept me away from all of you. The truth of the matter matter how strong or how much you know you made the right decision. A year and a half is still a year and a half and no amount of support helps dull the pain completely. I want to throw myself back into all things nerdy, but the fact of the matter is I'm exhausted...