Suicide Squad Movie Review
Hey everyone! Sorry about my absence. I had an unexpected promotion at work and two classes. It's been really hectic. BUT the boyfriend decided we needed a date night and what better than the brand new Suicide Squad right after work today?! We just got back. I wore red and black, with my Harley Quinn shoes and socks. The boyfriend wore a Batman shirt. Let me start out by saying this. Make the decision about the movie for yourself. I was really nervous to go see it because I saw some seriously mixed reviews from critics. BAH! What do the critics know anyways? It was amazing and make sure you stay for the after credit scene! It's important. I'm going to do this with as few spoilers as possible and just talk about the characters and my impression of the story. Here we go. First, I loved the characters in this movie and even the ones I hated were expertly done. Margot Robbie, who I was very skeptical about when I first saw she had been cast, played an AMAZING Harley Qui...