Finding my way back to where I once was
When I last wrote a blog post, I had received some fantastic news as well as some devastating news that I had alluded to. Unfortunately, what was once fantastic news turned into devastating news. Over the past few months, I have been through a very personal hell of loss starting January 12th with the loss of my grandfather. In February, we lost my youngest aunt on my mother's side, a mere ten years older than me. This was followed quickly by my grandmother's hospitalization and the death of my great aunt all before Saint Patrick's day. My very secret news was for me the most traumatic loss as I lost the life I was growing inside of me. I still can't really talk about it and to say that my mental health hasn't been on spot is perhaps the biggest understatement of the year. Which is why I haven't been producing content and why this content is going up on a Sunday instead of the regular Wednesday and Friday. In books and movies, we try to characterize the slow,...