Fandom Friday: 5 Nerdy Places I want to Travel To.

Hey everyone,

We're back with a Five Fandom Friday. :D This one means a lot to me. I've always wanted to travel, so let's get started.

1. Japan

As an anime fan girl, gamer, and overall lover of Japanese culture, Japan is one of my ultimate destinations. The Fiance was stationed there for two years and LOVED it. I've never left the States. Needless to say, I am SUPER jealous. This will be remedied though, as this is our honeymoon destination or at least it's on our list of places to go within the next two years. This lovely picture is Akihabara, a.k.a. NERD PARADISE. This is where the Pokemon and Studio Ghibli stores are. Not to mention countless arcades, themed cafes, stores, and so so much more. I can't wait.

2. Disney World
I grew up for the most part in California. I've been to Disneyland and Sea World, but I have never been to Disney World. This may seem like a minor problem, which it probably is, but I feel the need to go to the Happiest place on Earth. I've heard its amazing and there are so many more parks than Disneyland. I may be a West Coast girl, but darn it I WANT TO GO TO DISNEY!! Now if only I could convince the Fiance to add Tokyo Disney to our itinerary.

3. Universal Studios and the Magical World of Harry Potter 

I love Harry Potter and I have always wanted to go to Universal Studios. Conveniently, both are in the same place and are super close to Disney World. When I finally can get down to Orlando, I'm going to both.

4. Seoul

I am not ashamed to admit that like many fangirls, I love K-Pop and K-dramas. I can't help it. There is something about these shows that capture my attention and draw me in. My family will tell you at one time I had a serious K-drama problem in the form of binge watching entire seasons of shows and emerging from my room pale, with bloodshot eyes, and messy hair not fully understanding English. Ah to be young again....Anyways, Seoul is definitely on my list. Not only is it the bustling heart of South Korea, but it is also a beautiful city and I've heard amazing things about it from friends who have been there. 

5. New Zealand

New Zealand doesn't seem to have much to offer in the way of nerdy things until you realize the Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed there. See Hobbit village above. LOTR was FILMED there. Plus beautiful, epic fantasy level landscapes, a ton of history and rich culture, I'm so down.

Well, there they are. My top 5 nerdy travel destinations and bucket list. What are your favorite nerdy travel destinations and where do you want to go? Let me know!

I'll see you all next week.



  1. I'd love to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter too! Also Japan, but more than anything I really want to see the Ghibli Museum <3

  2. I really want to head over to Japan too. Now that my parents are living there, it gives me a reason! Good luck with your travels! xx

  3. That's a pretty darn good list to travel to. I'd love to visit these places too.


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