April Wrap up and Looking ahead to May

Welcome back, everyone.

We're looking at April's wrap up and looking forward to May. It's been a crazy month here. My birthday was the start, a friend visited and went back, then I had a unit test at school. Not to mention everything else going on. Honestly, it hasn't been a bad month. Just super busy. It was a relatively productive month emotionally and health wise, but I'll tell you what. I didn't get nearly as much done as I would have liked to nerdy wise. No new movies. Only four books. And I didn't finish a single project. Very disappointing.

The truth of the matter is sometimes that happens. Let's look at the updates!

Books: I finished four books this month. Waters Luminous and Deep by Meredith Ann Pierce (5/5 Stars), Lost City of Z by David Grann (4/5 Stars), Dead Until Dark by Charlene Harris (3/5 stars), and Never Suck a Dead Man's Hand by Dana Kollman (3/5 stars). The stats so far are 15 books this year: 3 nonfiction, 3 fantasy, 3 supernatural/horror, 5 classics, and 2 anthologies. So the challenge is going great. I'm currently reading House of Leaves and Secondhand Spirits. The first is a haunted house book. The second is a cozy mystery I read on the bus to and from work.

Games: I beat Ratchet & Clank: Crack in Time. I have conflicted feelings about this game for several reasons. First, the reward for completion wasn't that great. At least I didn't think so. The storyline was great though. I continue to think it was a great overall game, and that it was a solid Ratchet and Clank game overall. 3/5 stars. I'm now playing through the original God of War. Wish me luck because its messing pretty hard core with your girl. The amount of backtracking and swearing that I have done makes me ashamed.

Movies: I haven't seen any new movies. ANY. Because I'm lame and busy.

Projects: I'm still working on the Dragons cross stitch from CraftFrameinArkham on Etsy. It says "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."

Looking ahead to May, I don't have a lot planned out. I have a TBR picked and have bought a ton of new patterns/received them for my birthday. And I got an amazing haul from my amazing friend Talyn Draconmore. I have a post with her artwork coming soon, promise.

I hope everyone has a good week. Stay incredible and I look forward to seeing you guys on Friday and back on YouTube.


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