Five Fandom Friday: Five Fictional Planets that I Want to Visit

This week's Five Fandom Friday (hosted by the the Nerdy Girlie) is five fictional planets I would want to visit, real or fiction. I chose to do five fictional planets that I want to visit and decided that I would include planets from books, movies, games, and TV shows.

1. Magrathea - Douglas Adams' home planet of customized planet makers

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Magrathea is the home of the planet makers that created Earth in Douglas Adams' A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.  I would love to see these masterminds at work. Artists carefully creating amazing planets. Everything in its place and touring the studios. That's something even Marvin would be...depressed and anxious about. Oh Marvin.

2. Ixchel  from A Wrinkle in Time 
Ixchel in A Wrinkle in Time is where Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which take Meg Murray, her father, and Calvin O'Keefe after their run in with IT on the planet Camazotz. It is here we meet the strange sightless creatures with tentacles that meet Aunt Beast. It is a planet of muted colors and healing. That sounds like a magnificent break from the stresses of the world.

3. Endor from Star Wars
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Endor is the Ewoks' home planet in Star Wars. First, its a gorgeous planet of forests. Second, Ewoks. They're adorable and I can't help but want to be around them. I mean look at them.

4. Planet Bob (New Earth) from Titan A.E. 
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New Earth is an amazing reset in Titan A.E. It's beautiful and new and pure. Plus I would love to say that I visited Planet Bob. It would make me giggle and I think that it would be a great restart for everyone. A way to reconnect and not make the same mistakes.

5. Jurai from Tenchi Muyo
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Jurai is the home planet and central world of the Juraian Empire in the Tenchi Muyo. This is the planet that Princess Ayeka is from. All of the glimpses of the planet in the series show a beautiful planet with a lot of tradition. I would really really like to see the Royal Trees and get a glimpse at the Imperial family.


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