Return of The Guardians of the Galaxy: A Review of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2  opened up this past weekend to huge, adoring crowds. It heralded the return of some of the most beloved characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including an even more adorable Baby Groot. I went opening night to a packed theater and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I was cautiously optimistic as sequels often disappoint, but this movie was, at least in my humble opinion, just as good as the first.

Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 2 continues the story of the Guardians dynamically. It not only introduced new characters and races, but showed continued development and growth of the original characters. Not only do you get to see how Groot is continuing to grow and return to his former self, but you see the deepening of the relationships between and the maturation of the original characters. It is obvious that some time has passed between the original and this new movie, but it is easy to see the gang has been up to various protection/mercenary/etc gigs since their days of saving the galaxy in the first movie.

Many of the same tropes return in this sequel. Over the top action, continued bickering, and humor are the hallmarks of a GotG movie. Yet overall deeper themes were the foundation of this movie. The idea that family is not always who is related to you by blood is a continuing theme and critical to the overall storyline. The characters are forced to face some very tough situations that involve redemption and redefining their beliefs. I think the characters are more engaging because of it. They are facing internal turmoil on top of their need to save the galaxy.

One criticism I have heard from those who have seen it is too much focus on Baby Groot in some places. The word "fanservice" was thrown around a lot and I can see where it came from. However, look at that picture. He's wearing a pair of coveralls and raging. There is no such thing as to much Baby Groot. Another criticism is the amount of bickering. One critic on NPR even said they should be sent to family counseling. This isn't something I agree with. I thought the bickering served the point of showing how they had all come together and dealt with each other. In addition, anyone who has ever done a long road trip in a car with their siblings will attest everyone bickers in close quarters. Imagine being in a spaceship.

I give it a solid 4.5 stars for an amazing, plot driven, over the top, Groot filled ride that was one of my favorite movies so far of 2017.


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