Life Updates

Hey guys, 

So...let's pretend I don't have a super heavy guilty conscience about disappearing and that I haven't been super busy and unable to do anything remotely geek related. Instead, let's catch up! I've missed you guys! 

Where to start? I've been super busy at work. I got a promotion and am doing an entirely different job that is either super busy and stressful OR not busy at all. The busy days are awesome, even if stressful, and the boring days make me feel less guilty about having to leave for the million appointments I have (more on that in a minute). It also makes me feel much less guilty about taking the time off work that I have been avoiding taking off, even though I desperately need it. I am now on my sixth consecutive day of a staycation, with three more days to go. That's right, ladies and gents, this girl is taking Halloween off. WOOT WOOT!! 

I've also been busy with school. I'm only taking one class at a time because that's all Tuition Assistance will cover. My class however is only eight weeks long, and my teacher has thus far had us write two papers, one six pages and one ten pages. I may or may not be avoiding writing a six page paper that's due Sunday night. But let's not focus on that right now. Moving on. 

In other news, my amazing boyfriend and love of my life asked me to marry him. It was the most absolute amazing moment and I couldn't possibly explain the emotion that I was feeling when I said yes. We've set a date, the dress is bought, and we're beyond thrilled. My maid of honor and several of my closest friends have been helping me accomplish so much since the engagement and I am so honored. 

Finally, I am starting a YouTube channel as a companion to this blog! And a place to put all of my plan with me videos...because I'm obsessed. 

I'm currently: 
Reading: Working my way through an ABC challenge and currently on F - Ghosts of Ascalon by Jeff Grubb and Matt Forbeck. It's F because Forbeck.
Listening: To a little bit of everything
Watching: Nanatsu no Tazai (Seven Deadly Sins) - Just finished check back next week. Criminal Minds (SEASON 8 / 11). And anxiously awaiting Doctor Strange. 


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