On Technical Difficulties

Hello Interwebs!

So....this weekend was SUPPOSED to be the big launch of my YouTube channel. Please not the supposed to be. Apparently I am not as technologically literate as I thought I was....or as eloquent. If you ever wonder if you're socially awkward, record yourself making an introduction video. I'll tell you what I never realized how socially awkward OR how many freckles I had on my face until I recorded a YouTube video.

The good news is I'm making a step in the right direction and am planning on adding a Twitch account for my playthroughs, soon after I get my first couple of videos up. There were some...difficulties with the program for my screen capture, so I'm just going to do a Twitch thing and go from there. There are many un-holiday spirit like words that were said this weekend and threats made in my computer's general direction.

What does this all mean? The YouTube channel is in works. I'm going to try to have a video up by Christmas. If someone could give a girl some pointers on how to approach this to make it less nightmarish and also where to get cute logos and build a brand, they will be loved and adored forever.

Thanks for your patience guys.



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